Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Carolina Point

This weekend we took a short trip with the Quest group to Young Life's new up and coming camp--Carolina Point. It's located right in our back yard...only 45 minutes from Clemson. They are opening for the first time this summer for campers. They will be open for one session during the summer, with about 1000 high school campers coming through, having the best week of their life and hearing the gospel. We went up to play a tiny tiny small part in helping to get it ready. It was a short trip, roughly 18 hours total, but it was definitely a full 18 hours. We played, laughed, got to know each other a bit more, and worked hard. Here's a few pictures from our trip:
The dining hall, game room, and club room all in one. Eventually this will just be the dining hall, but for now it is multi-purpose...and beautiful!!
The dorms in progress--where I spent most of my time working...

Heading off to do some bridge cleaning..

One thing that is AWESOME about this camp is that they will have one of the largest, and fastest, ziplines. The zipline (which will be open this summer) is 1/2 mile long and riders will reach speeds up to 60 mph. Now, if that's not one heck of ride, I don't know what is..

Great work Quest Friends! You're already making such a difference.

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