Friday, May 31, 2013

Lately, I'm loving...

    haagen-dazs green tea ice cream. i have a thing for trying new foods. when i go to the grocery store, i  
    always buy the little pints of ice cream in a new flavor. that way, if i don't like it, a lot of ice cream  
    won't go to waste. also, it won't take too long to go through a flavor before i can try a new one. this
    past grocery trip, i spotted this green tea flavored ice cream and thought i'd give it a try. it has a
    sweet, but grassy flavor to it. it's super refreshing during this warm, summer season.

    and hey..if there's green tea in your ice cream, then it's totally healthy, right!?

    what's your favorite ice cream flavor?

    happy friday!! 

1 comment :

  1. I love green tea ice cream! And yes, totally healthy :)


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