Monday, June 10, 2013

a quick trip to the beach, just in time for tropical storm andrea

we finally got a few days to celebrate our one year anniversary together. we packed up our bags and headed to litchfield beach, only to be welcomed by rain and thunder. it rained all day thursday, so after a session of yoga we headed out to the local shops...which was fine with us, because let's be real--you can't go to pawley's island and not go to the hammock shops..
     ^and yes, we took home some of this chocolate...
during our exploring we wandered into an olive oil tasting room. we tried flavors from mushroom sage olive oil, to dark chocolate balsamic vinegar. we would have bought all of the flavors if we could, but we settled on pear cinnamon balsamic vinegar. can't wait to try it on a fresh summer salad!
then finally on friday, after deciding to hang out on the beach regardless if they sun joined us or not, the sky cleared and the sun came out! we layed on the beach, read our books, and took a nice, long walk (my favorite!). we'd say our trip was a success.
we hope you've enjoyed your week as much as we have!

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