Monday, September 16, 2013

a sunday.

in our book, sundays are for relaxing and time together. it's one of my favorite days to cook and bake in the kitchen. then we like to snuggle up on the couch and nap or read. as you can see, i'm still working my way through bonhoeffer. one day i will finish it.. one day.
i have a goal this month to take a true sabbath..that is, a full day of rest. maybe by having a day without busying myself with house chores, i can make some progress in my reading. we'll see...

hope you're rested and that your week is off to a great start!


  1. aren't Sundays the best?? I love having a day dedicated to relaxation and whatever baking/creating/reading I can manage :)


    p.s. now I want some cookies!!


  2. yes, i totally agree. a rest day is essential!

  3. Scattegories is without a doubt my favorite board game! We play it so much around here we actually had to come up with our own questions not too long ago. Such a good game ♥

    1. haha, nice! yes, we love it. catch phrase is another favorite!


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