Tuesday, September 3, 2013

labor day

it's hard to believe that yesterday was only the second time we've been on the lake all summer. time can really get away from you if you let it. but..labor day on the lake filled us enough to make up for all the time we missed. we met up with some friends from church for boating, tubing, swimming, paddle boarding, and wake boarding. and of course even the kids were braver than me on the tube :/ ... i'm not too adventurous when it comes to high speeds behind a boat in open water. but scofield, on the other hand, tried wake boarding for the first time and got up! whoohoo, go husband! then there was gracie [the dog]. i'm pretty sure she outplayed us all. she loved the water and even jumped in and swam after the boat on one occasion.

 it was a good day...filled with good people and good food.

how did you celebrate labor day!?


  1. Ohhh a Labor Day boating sounds so nice! I am not very adventurous when it comes to boating activities, but would love to try paddle boarding.

    I spent my labor day exploring in Austin, I wrote about it here if you're so inclined.



    1. i've always wanted to visit austin. Looks like you had a lovely labor day!

  2. I live in Austin and Town Lake is one of the places to be and my husband and I keep saying that we'll paddle board on the lake. I think we might book it sooner after your photos. It looks like so much fun and so relaxing.

    1. yes, definitely sooner than later. we want a paddle board of our own now!


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