Monday, January 6, 2014

post-christmas family trip to the mountains

some snapshots from an extended weekend in the mountains with family..
it was cold, but it was beautiful. we had nothing on our agenda but to rest, watch movies, and enjoy each other. it was just what i needed.
 ^ the name of our cabin! ohhh, it was cozy!
^ janie, my sister-in-law! she makes these really pretty ear warmers and scarves. you can find them in her etsy shop, here!
^when it's cold, my outfits seem to make no sense. layers upon layers and colors upon colors. that, and i'm really bad at packing. the weekend scofield proposed to me, i literally threwa few different shirts, skirts, and pants into a bag because i was too stressed to think it through. when i tried to get ready for our date, nothing matched. luckily my sister shared her closet with me that weekend. i've gotten better since then, but i still have a way's to go [clearly]. i know there's personal shoppers...but is there such a thing as personal packers!?


  1. i am THE WORST packer! if you ever find a personal packer, please let me know!! ;)

    1. Haha, glad to hear I'm not the only one!! :)

  2. those are my favorite type of weekends! Lovely photos Lauren!

    1. Thanks Anne! And they are the best, aren't they!? Wish there were more of them!

  3. when it's cold layering is the only way to go really! looks like a relaxing, peaceful weekend :) which, of course, are the best kind!

    Emmett - Hippie Lace


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