Wednesday, March 5, 2014

around here.

^ i finally feel good about our gallery wall - it's finished!
^and this is my favorite part of the gallery wall. i found her thrifting one morning. isn't she lovely? scofield doesn't understand why we would have a woman we don't know on our wall. i always tease him and say "well, i could be related to her..." but really, she's a reminder. a reminder of feminine beauty, in all its curves and glory. she's natural, full, and beautiful. and then, of course, there's part of me that wishes i lived in that era and could wear extravagant gowns and have long, luscious hair like that.
^so many places in the world i'm dying to travel...maybe i'll get to visit them one day.
^my plant has seen better days, but hey, she's hangin in there.
i hope you're having a lovely week!


  1. cute gallery wall- and love that little portrait you have.

  2. Definitely have a giant case of wanderlust right about now. And I love that rug :)
    xo TJ

  3. I love these glimpses of your home! Your gallery wall looks lovely and I agree, that portrait is definitely a reminder or feminine beauty. Your globe and rug are fabulous as well!


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