Tuesday, March 18, 2014

the brand market workshop

over the weekend i attended the brand market workshop in atlanta...and what a beautiful workshop it was. every detail was thought out and beautiful...from the floral displays, to the sitting area. juli vaughn is a master when it comes to design. i just want to follow her around all day and learn from everything she does (weird? yes?). but just take a look at these pictures, and you'll understand...
  ^i dream of having a glass collection like this one day. so lovely.
 ^ love my new notebook from rifle paper co. !
i'm so happy that i went. i had the best time getting to know other bloggers and entrepreneurs, and i learned so much from the team - annamandyjuli, and haley. i was jotting down everything that was said, as fast as i could, and i left with a notebook full of notes. so if you're thinking about going, don't think twice! it was even worth the 6 hour drive ;)


  1. LOVED being able to meet you, friend! These photos are gorgeous.

    1. thanks Hannah! it was SO good to meet you! good luck with all of your photography endeavors! :)


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