Tuesday, July 23, 2013

lake days

days at the lake this summer have been few and far between. it's rained almost every day this month here in south carolina. we've mostly watched a lot of movies and gone out for runs in between thunderstorms. but we finally had a clear weekend and took advantage of it by enjoying some sunshine, lake water, and friends. i'm glad we got it in because once again, rain is on the schedule.
i left the tubing to these goofs. as a kid i LOVED riding on the tube. the bigger the waves the better. i lost part of my adventurous spirit somewhere along the way...maybe it was puberty? but now i much prefer to ride in the boat, feel the breeze, and relax. riding behind a boat on a tube makes my blood pressure shoot through the roof..i feel out of control and like i could be on the brink of a panic attack. so yes, you'll find me watching from the boat, and maybe taking a picture here and there.


  1. I am terrified of tubing. We used to go in Florida and I was terrified of sharks and barracudas getting me! Here's to that slightly less adventurous spirit ;)


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