Monday, July 1, 2013

little bits from the weekend

it was another work weekend for me, but before the weekend officially started we had a lovely visit with our friends jaimie and michael from columbia.
we started friday morning off with a brunch of banana bread french toast and fruit [ recipe to come later! ] then we headed to the park downtown for some reading and relaxing. we found a huge tree with a big chunk of shade. between the shade and the breeze, it felt perfect perfect that my reading turned into sleeping. whoops.
hope you all had a great weekend full of rest and fun as well!


  1. I love all these photographs, so pretty! And I seriously am craving banana bread. Thanks. ;)

  2. haha..well i'm posting the recipe later this week, so you are in luck!

  3. What lovely photos, my favourite is the first photo. I have just followed you on bloglovin' by the way! x


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