Monday, October 7, 2013

a little yoga video to start off your week.

have you seen this video? the only word i know to describe it is beautiful. otherwise, it leaves me speechless. the human body never ceases to amaze me. not to mention, this video makes me want to spend all of my time practicing yoga. she's strong and serene. enjoy.


  1. wauw! and i have just started doing hatha yoga twice a week - there's a long way to go..

    1. yes, but isn't it amazing what our bodies can accomplish!?

  2. Ha, it looks so easy! But man do I know I can't do that. I can't even keep my legs straight up. I'd love to do some yoga but I don't know where to start. I had found some bedtime positions and they were really relaxing, I should get them back in my daily routine. How I wish I could do yoga with such an incredible urban view though! x

    1. i do too...wouldn't that be awesome!? i'd be doing it everyday with that view.
      and i'd start by looking on youtube for some beginner routines or try out a beginner class at a yoga studio! it's just getting started that makes the difference :)


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