Thursday, January 2, 2014

little goals.

i've never been one to make new year's resolutions. to me, it has always been nothing but a way to let myself down because, well, i've never been good at keeping them. so rather than new year's resolutions, i'm using this time to dwell on goals i have for the year. goals that are attainable and practical. long term goals vs. the short term.

  • exercise more
  • read more. on my list - cooked, in defense of food, and every body matters
  • practice yoga every week
  • take trips to visit friends
  • go on a camping trip
  • more date nights with the husband
  • more meals around the table
  • decorate and use our back porch when its warm out
  • eat something green every day
  • learn to knit
  • learn more about photography and improve my food photography
  • go on more walks
  • grow my nails out [i have a terrible nervous habit of picking at them] and get a manicure
  • have friends over and host parties

i'm seriously so excited for 2014. i think it's going to be a good year. what are your new year's resolutions..or goals, rather!? i'd love to hear!

happy new year!


  1. You can do it! Have a lovely new year!!

  2. I am loving these "goals". I definitely want to host a little fun game night or something with friends over at our place, once we move back to WA and find a place (fingers crossed) ;)
    xo TJ

  3. Love your goals! Eating something green every day is one of my goals as well, but...I don't know how well I will do haha. We'll see!

  4. I completely agree with you and decided to set goals for myself instead of making resolutions. I also want to work on my photography and am starting to put together a long reading list! I hope that you have a fabulous 2014 and that you are able to accomplish all of your goals!

  5. They sound like great goals, a few of them are on my list as well, especially the photography ones.


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