Tuesday, February 11, 2014

'date night is' feature

date night is is an awesome website full of dating ideas for couples. it's a great asset if you are looking for fresh, creative, or local dates. they recently did an interview with scofield and i about our relationship and favorite dates, which you can find here. and if you don't have any plans for valentine's day yet, i'm sure you'll find tons of inspiration on the site. my favorite feature is that you can type in your city, and a list of date ideas in your area pops up!

thanks for the feature, date night is..!


  1. Wow what a cool idea! I'm signing up now :) My boyfriend and I are always looking for fun date night ideas especially since we are both relatively new to Louisville.

    Thanks for sharing!

    PS You and your husband are adorable :)


  2. this is so cool! I'm off to find some last minute valentines day plans


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