Monday, March 17, 2014

house hunting

we are on the move, looking for our first home. well, first purchased home. i started looking about three weeks ago, and last week came across the perfect house. we waited a week before we went to see it, and when we finally did i fell in love. it was in our budget, great location, and my ideal style...could this really be true?? scofield told me not to get my heart attached...but it was too late. i was already decorating in my head. so we put in our offer, only to find out there had been multiple offers. on saturday, when we were suppose to hear back, i was in atlanta for the brand market workshop. i told scofield not to call me with any news, because if we didn't get the house i didn't want it to distract me or put a damper on my day...

...and we didn't get the house. so i cried. like a big, fat, baby.

about halfway home from atlanta i stopped to get starbucks...partly because i was exhausted, and partly to self-soothe. coffee in hand i got back on the interstate, heading home. about an hour later i started to see signs for the atlanta express lanes. i thought, "atlanta express lanes in south carolina?...." and then i realized, i had gone the wrong way on the interstate and was back in atlanta! cue, breakdown number two. a two hour drive turned into a four hour drive. and yes, i blame this all on house hunting.

i've decided it's like a girl getting her heart broken by a boy for the first time. it hurts like the think he was the one... the best thing you would ever have. but then that other boy comes along. and you think, "wow, i didn't know it could be this great." and you marry him, and you live happily ever after. so i'm trusting an even better house is out there.

i'm waiting on my husband house.
but let's be real...this sucks.

image via: gomez caroline


  1. Ah I know how you feel! But yes, a husband house will come up and maybe it will have super cool features you didn't even know you wanted.

  2. oh my goodness that it the pits girl! hope you find your soul mate house soon!

  3. I hear you.. when my husband and I were planning our wedding, we were also in the middle of house searching. We had our eyes set on this house, and then went away for a little week trip to a music festival. DUring that week, the government or something changed the rules of mortgages. When we came home we could no longer afford our dream house. We started looking again, three weeks before our wedding day. Our wedding came, and we were off on our honeymoon, without even knowing if our offer had completely gone through...without knowing if we had anywhere to live when we arrived back home after vacation. We didn't, not for a couple days at least. Finally, we found another house and everything worked out. But it was trying, tiring, and filled with many tears. I'll be praying for you two!

    1. thanks reva!! it's always encouraging to hear about people with similar stories but how it worked out in the end. i really appreciate the encouragement!


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