Monday, March 3, 2014

windy gap youth retreat

over the weekend, i had the privilege of leading a cabin of twelve middle school girls on our church's middle school retreat. [yes, i said twelve. and yes, i said middle school...] scofield spoke during our first session, friday night, and then made a few appearances in the skits throughout the weekend. it was really special to lead together, and to get to watch him in his element. 
^ i mean, this camp is beautiful...i grew up coming here with my family when my dad was on young life staff. i also came here as a camper in middle school and high school. it definitely brought back some nostalgic the time my husband and i really connected for the first time late high school at summer young life camp.
 ^sure, it was beautiful, sunny, and 60 degrees out...but some crazy kids decided to jump in the still ice-cold lake, go down the water slide, or do the zip lip into the lake. crazy, i tell ya.
^ one of my best friends from college is an intern at the camp, and she was there working the snack bar. eeeeek, it was the best getting to see her and hug her neck!
^ and what is a middle school retreat without playing crazy field games, like this "pass the kid on the mattress game"....
^...and this big group tug-of-war.
^ group picture - me and my cabin of girls! love every single one of them. thanks for a fun weekend, guys! you always keep me entertained!


  1. This looks lovely! I'm trying to get my church a jumpstart with youth and young adult activities. We're more of a "grey hairs" type of church and a friend and I are looking to give it a good kick. Any suggestions for activities you and your church enjoy?

    1. definitely! when my husband just started kicking off our youth group, we had a summer of fun activities just to rally everyone around - pool parties, movie outings, bbq's, etc. then, when the school year started we had a lot of students ready to participate!

    2. That's smart. We don't have a youth pastor right now so it's hard to find someone dedicated to all the work. My husband and I are thinking about stepping up during the summer because we have a lot of energy but I'm a little worried about time. Posts like this are encouraging though!

  2. This looks like a dreamy place to go! Youth retreats are the best and I think it's great that you are so involved with your group. It's great that they have such a wonderful role model to look up to :)

    1. oh, thank you emma kate! so sweet! and it really is a dreamy place!


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