Monday, April 28, 2014

an afternoon at the augusta airshow

over the weekend, i drove down to augusta to meet my dad and hang out at the 21st annual 'boshears skyfest'. my dad's a pilot [i still think he hung the moon and that he has the coolest job ever] and the air show was taking place at the airport where he works, so he was able to score tickets for all of us. unfortunately, scofield had to work, and the rest of the family was unable to it was just me and dad for the afternoon. it was a super sweet time and brought back memories of when he use to take me on daddy-daughter dates as a kid. we'd drive out to the local airport and go flying in his little cessna. i remember we'd be up in the air and the whole flight i would stare out the window below and count swimming pools...?... i was a weird kid. but the best part was when he would let me 'fly.' he'd let go of the wheel and let me steer for a few minutes. it was the best!
 ^ these pilots did some crazy stunts! my stomach would drop just watching them.
 ^ true vintage aircraft
 ^ dad next to the 'king air' that he flies!
^ he explained some of the gages and the switches in the cockpit, but of course i didn't retain a wink of it...
thanks for a fun afternoon, dad! you're the best, and i love you!


  1. This sounds like such a fun time! Some of my best memories are of times when my Dad and I did something just the two of us!

    1. yes, aren't they the best! definitely memories to cherish

  2. This is so cool! What an amazing weekend for you and your dad. One of my friends got to ride in a stunt plane recently and it makes me sick just thinking about it ha! Counting pools is much more my style :) Great pictures!

  3. This looks so much fun! And your outfit is too cute! Love your blog.

  4. This is too sweet! Father daughter dates really are the best ;)

  5. Great photos! How cool is it having a pilot for a dad?? Jealous! :)

  6. This looks like such a blast! Must go next year. Thanks for the pics!


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