Wednesday, April 9, 2014

the art of being a woman: nurturing

i completed a bible study at my church, called ezer, that focused what the bible says about being a woman. we read and discussed how the bible calls us, as women, to invite, partner, and nurture. i believe these characteristics are built into a woman, but with the world pulling us so many different directions, we have to fight to keep them alive and to make this special, unique contribution to the world.

 as i was browsing anthropologie the other day, i couldn't help but pick up darling magazine. the title pulled me in and drew my attention...."the art of being a woman." i began to to think... nurturing is a true art form of womanhood, but how easy does this good characteristic get twisted and we end up forgetting to take care of ourselves. we can get so busy trying to nurture every one else around us, that we forget to nurture our own body and soul.
nurturing ourselves can be something as simple as taking a bubble bath, reading a book, or going for a walk. for me, lately, it's been lighting a candle and indulging in some ghiradelli intense dark chocolate and a glass of wine. it's like a little escape. and because it's so rich, i don't need much. just a square or two will do before i'm fully satisfied and feeling refreshed.
i love to pair my dark chocolate with raspberries these days. between the dark chocolate, raspberries, and wine, this little snack is full of rich antioxidants, which in turn nurture your skin, reduce aging effects, and even fight cancer (bonus points!). i've been on a raspberry and chocolate kick for as long as i remember. as a teenager, i remember going to our local coffee shop and always ordering a raspberry mocha. and then of course there's raspberry and chocolate ice cream. you really can't go wrong with this combination in my opinion.

i'd love to know your perfect pairing with chocolate, and your favorite way to steal a few moments to yourselves. upload your photos to ghiradelli's page or instagram using the hashtag #intensedark. i'd love to hear!
this post is sponsored by ghiradelli intense dark chocolate. all opinions are 100% my own. thanks for supporting!

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