Monday, April 14, 2014

weekend things.

this weekend was one of those weekends. magical and wonderful - full of rest, family, and friends. scofield and i went to the movies and saw noah on saturday. we really loved it, and certainly recommend it. i know there's been some controversy over the film...but if you're going to see it, i think you have to realize it's not a biblical account and just go see it for what it is - a form of entertainment created by hollywood. so that's what we did - and action, adventure, suspense, it had it all. so we really enjoyed it! we also went to multiple soccer games...scofield coached a soccer game friday night, we went and watched a friend play on saturday, and on sunday scofield had a soccer game that he played in. i'm obviously not a soccer mom..having no babies and all...but is 'soccer wife' a thing? because that's what i felt like this weekend. scofield told me i don't qualify as a soccer mom until i pack snacks in my bag. ha! fine...working on that.
 ^ once i was given the task of taking pictures at one of scofield's soccer games. and i'm pretty sure i took 200 + pictures on the camera. i was so excited to show scofield all of the shots i got...and when he got them, he deleted almost apparently sports photography is suppose to include player-ball contact, not just my husband running down the field and standing on the side lines? whatever. side line pictures are so much easier to take.
 ^ i haven't baked a batch of cookies in a while, and i seriously got the craving to do so this weekend. so...cookies it was!
 ^ some little flowers from the market

hope your weekend was lovely! welcome, monday!


  1. I love perfect weekends like this! How fun! Loving all of these pictures :)
    xo TJ

  2. I think soccer wife is totally a thing. I'm a softball wife right now! I actually panicked at Husband's game last night because I was worried there was a secret softball wife rule that we were supposed to bring snacks for the team like moms do. Turns out everyone just goes to Waffle House after.

    1. haha, so funny! but that's awesome...maybe we should get scofield's team to just go out to eat after their games, too! takes the pressure off ;)

  3. love these pics! I think I'm fully convinced I need to get some white converse's these days

    1. oh, i totally support that - they have been one of my favorite investments!


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