Monday, May 19, 2014

two years.

it is so hard to believe it's been two years since our wedding. sometimes, it feels like we've been married forever - like we've never known another way - and other times, it feels like it was just yesterday. time really does fly when you're having fun. and these two years have been the most fun two years of my life.

below is a little video i put together of our wedding day. our original wedding video is 20 minutes long...rehearsal dinner speeches included! now i'm sure you'd love to sit through 20 minutes of our wedding and walk through each detail, piece by piece and emotion by emotion, with us ;) ... but just in case, i took our raw footage and compiled a shorter video. song by holly maher.

happy anniversary to my best friend, my love, my person. there's nothing more wonderful than being your wife!


oh, and if you'd like to see our wedding pictures, you can find them here.

1 comment :

  1. Happy 2nd anniversary! We just celebrated 2 years this month as well!



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