Friday, June 13, 2014

house update

well, it's finally official...we found a house!!! we close in just a few days, and we are head over heels excited! during our house hunting process, we made a lists of 'wants' and 'must-haves.' what we didn't expect was for a house to pop up in our budget with nearly all of our wants and needs...and then some!

  • three bedrooms
  • formal dining room
  • space for a breakfast table
  • nice yard with space for gardening
  • brick fireplace
  • office space
  • large master bath (with a bathtub separate from the shower)
  • large walk in closet
  • older house with character
  • good, safe neighborhood that is well cared for and relatively quiet
  • laundry room
must haves:
  • at least two bedrooms
  • space to grow
  • natural light!!
  • hardwood floors
  • bathroom connected to master bedroom
  • in our budget

while this list might not sound like we are too picky.... we are. i was probably a bit of a house hunting snob. i tried to keep an open mind, but there were definitely houses i wouldn't even consider. i knew the style i wanted and i didn't want to settle - even if that meant waiting. luckily, scofield and i were on the same page, and luckily, we didn't have to wait too long. of course, there were some let downs along the way, but we couldn't be happier with the end result. 

our house is a ranch style, which wasn't at the top of my list, so i had to keep an open mind when going to visit. but i didn't have to keep an open mind for long...once we walked in, we immediately fell in love. as we were touring, we quickly found that the house covered nearly all of our needs and wants, and was well within our budget.

we were okay with just two bedrooms, but the house has three - definitely room to grow ;). for now, one of the rooms will be my office, and the other bedroom will be our guest room. there is a master bath connected to the bedroom. where we live now, we have 1 1/2 baths and have to share our bathroom with guests. i'm looking forward to this extra privacy for us, and our guests, and to be able to brush my teeth and jump right into bed! there are also all hardwood floors, a tremendous amount of natural light [eeeeeek, my favorite part!], a beautiful white brick fire place, two sitting rooms, a formal dining room, and a wonderful yard. maybe i'll try my hand at gardening!?

the neighborhood is safe, well kept, and quiet, and the house is older and has character. i didn't get my walk in closet, but we do have a few plans to expand the closet space there is.

and the best part...there is a huge, beautiful, sunroom filled with natural light. i think this is going to be our favorite room of the house. oh, the potential! considering we started out in a 350 sq. ft. garage apartment in our family friend's backyard, we are overwhelmed with joy and excitement over a house of our own and all this space. 

there's a lot of house projects to do and a lot of work to be done, so i can't wait to share the progress and post pictures here!

hope you have a wonderful weekend! we'll be busy packing! :)

photo by amy blackwell

1 comment :

  1. YAY! I am so so excited for y'all! I will have to come visit the new place when you are all settled :)


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