Monday, August 4, 2014

weekend snapshots

this weekend was just one of those weekends. you know, the good ones. we went to the market on saturday morning, had lunch with friends, then came home and relaxed and took a nap before getting started on some house work. the weather was unusually cool and crisp, tempting us with fall, and i was reminded, once again, just how much i love this city.
 ^ there are so many great things at the market.. why do we not come here more often!?
 ^ we tried out sully's steamers for late breakfast / lunch and it was so good. i got the french toast bagel with egg and cheese. kind of a weird combination, but so delicious.
 ^ oh, and mirror selfie because i cut all my hair off! kinda still getting use to it, but also kinda loving it! also, this is the only mirror in our house right now...

hope you had a great weekend!


  1. You look so pretty! I love your hair. And, farmers markets are my happy place and I love getting to see pictures of other people's markets. xo

    1. thanks girl! and they are happy, aren't they!? its such a great way to spend a saturday

  2. This summer just seems to be flying by -- I haven't made it to the Downtown Market once this year :(. Your beautiful photos remind me that I need to make it a priority! Trying Sully's is also at the top of my priority list :).

    1. it really does feel like it's flying by. the market in the fall is pretty great, too, so there's still time! and sully's is great.. you should absolutely try it :)

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE Naked Pasta - Spinach Artichoke Lasagna is the best thing they make!! Love your hair too!

    1. oh, that sounds so good!! definitely going to have to try it :)


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