Monday, September 1, 2014

on journaling

"write hard and clear about what hurts." - ernest hemingway

if i'm honest, this year has not been what i'd hoped. i mean, those first couple years post college are no joke ... and i feel like no one warns you about them! well, i take that back. maybe i was warned .. i just didn't listen [ha]. 23 is like that in-between age where you are an adult and have much responsibility, but at the same time you're still learning and people still treat you like a student. you really enter the real world for the first time, after being immersed in that perfect, happy, little college bubble, and you find just how harsh this world really is. 

when i was in high school and college i journaled constantly. it helped me keep my head on straight and come back to truth when i felt insecurities and feelings of inadequacy creep in. then, i got comfortable. i got to a place where i didn't really feel like i needed to journal, or have personal/alone time for that matter. life was busy, but it was good. and then things got messy. not necessarily in my life, but more so in my heart. i was reminded that i can't do this thing called 'life' on my own. i need friends, community, and most importantly my relationship with the lord.

so, i'm going back to my roots and spending a lot more time journaling, learning, and trying to grow. there is always more to learn, and i never want to be closed off to that. i know that "all things work together for our good [romans 8:28]", and even hard situations are opportunities for growth and learning. trying to change my perspective on life over here!

anywho, that's just something that's been on my heart lately. what about you? do you journal, or are there ways that you recollect yourself?


  1. I did more journaling in high school as well. I believe that having time is certainly a factor. Some people will say that you can MAKE time but really....being in college or a working adult takes up most of those "journaling hours" you had back in high school. But keep it up, stay inspired! Loved that verse you posted. Romans 8 is amazing!

    1. yes, that is so true. it is so much harder to find time to do now!

  2. I LOVE journaling and I really ought to get back into it. Thanks for inspiring me to do so!

  3. thanks marlen! keeping my chin up!

  4. I have always admired and loved the idea of journaling. I really hope to get into it more :)
    xo TJ

  5. Oh my gosh girl preeeaaaaach. There was only one person who I remember warning me about that weird, in-between stage of life: mom. As the years pass, all her lessons make more and more sense. Ain't that life. I certainly don't feel like I took the best advantage of that in-between period, but now I'm coming out of it feeling more like ok, let's kick some ass and MAKE my hopes and goals happen. You're ahead of the game since you've already acknowledged how "real" life is getting. The best is yet to come <3

    1. thanks Amy! so great to hear. very encouraging words :)

  6. With college beginning, I've found myself feeling very overwhelmed and lonely/isolated from people at times. God has definitely used journaling to call me back to Himself and has definitely used it in the past to help shape my way of thinking and responding to situations!

    1. the very beginning of college is rough - journaling played a huge role in my life during that time period. so glad to hear how helpful it is to you, too!


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