Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 has been quite the year for me. I married my best friend and felt like I grew up a heck of a lot. I went from just being a college student to a wife, a full-time student, a part-time employee, and a part-time entrepreneur. We are now responsible for things like car insurance, rent, electricity bills, grocery budgeting (etc etc), and caring for each other. While all of these things have been scary, we've certainly made it and it's been the best 7 1/2 months of my life. 2012 has been a GREAT year!

When looking at 2013, I like to think about setting goals for the year, rather than resolutions that will be broken within days (trust me!). When life gets busy with school, work, and cleaning the house, I tend to set aside the things that are the most important. Therefore, this year I want to make an effort to keep the most important things at the top of my list, giving time to them every day and every week:

1) Reading my bible and having time for reflection each day
2) Continuing my own private yoga practice (outside of teaching), at least twice a week.
3) Sitting down at the table for dinner, rather than the TV, two times a week...(baby steps)
4) Having more date nights with Husband, whether its renting a movie we are both excited about, getting coffee, or sitting by the fire pit on a chilly night outside.
5) And, even with our small space, I want to continue to entertain...there's nothing like welcoming friends into your home.

Hope you enjoy your last night of 2012!
Happy New Year Friends!

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