Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Very Merry Grilled Cheese Sandwich

What is better than christmas in a sandwich?...Nothing.
The festive green of the avocado and the red (+ flavor) of the cranberries make this sandwich perfect for the holiday season.

Swiss, Avocado, Apple, and Cranberry Grilled Cheese Sandwich

  • 2 slices whole wheat toast
  • 2 slices of swiss cheese (for best flavor--fresh from the deli!)
  • thin slices of apple of your choice (I used Fuji--always crispy)
  • 1/2 of an avocado, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
Start by slicing your apple. With the apple standing upright, make your first slice to straighten out the side of the apple. Put this cut aside. Then begin to make straight slices. Repeat on the other side of the apple until you have your desired amount of apple slices. Lay your bread on the plate and add one piece of swiss cheese to each piece of bread. Top each piece of cheese with your apple slices. Layer the avocado on top of the apple. Next, add the cranberries, but just to one side. Take the stack without cranberries and place it on top of the stack with the cranberries. This will keep the berries from spilling out. On medium low heat, spray (or butter) a pan and set the sandwich on it. Cook on low enough heat that the sandwich can cook for about 5 minutes on each side without burning (be careful when flipping!). Low heat for a longer period of time gives a nicely browned surface with melted cheese inside. When the cheese has melted, and is holding the rest of the sandwich together like glue, remove from heat. Slice in half and crank up some christmas tunes..lunch is ready!
Merry Christmas and Happy Lunch.

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