the day i graduated, i felt more proud to be a clemson tiger than i ever have. maybe it was the speeches, maybe it was the support of my family, or maybe it was the kind words from our clemson president. regardless, it was a good day. i'm not a big football fan, so doing our tiger chant never comes with much passion from me. yet, on friday, i shouted our chant proudly and with a strong fist pump into the air.
graduation reminded how lucky i am to have the love and support of my family. the fact that my in-laws and sister's boyfriend sat through a 3 1/2 hour graduation ceremony for my 5 seconds of fame really put it into perspective. my dad even found me in the terminal before the procession to snap "pre-graduation pictures," he called them. then, walking into the ceremony...there was husband, in-laws, mom, and dad all with their cameras. by that time my friends next to me asked if that was the end of my paparazzi. ha!
and then of course we can't forget my wonderful husband! he decided not to walk, since he graduated in december, had already relocated, and was working full-time. so we made sure to celebrate his huge achievement over the weekend as well. that might not be his usc diploma, but we thought he needed a picture too :] and after all, it does have his last name on it...
so in honor of my husband and all we have accomplished together [and apart] our family threw us a lovely cookout.
thank you for all of your love and support, my family...and for believing in me when i didn't believe in myself.
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