Wednesday, January 21, 2015

our week with a puppy

you might have seen on instagram, here, that we've been babysitting a sweet little pup. we had to give him back earlier this week, and we are so heartbroken! we were immediately attached and fell so in love with his puppy snuggles, puppy breath, and puppy tummy. we were seriously considering how to fake his death so we could keep him forever. my first federal offense [kiiiiiidding...].

anywho, for now we are missing our new little buddy, and searching for a sweet puppy child of our own. wish us luck!


  1. ahhhhh he is so cute! good luck on your puppy search!

  2. He seems to have a heart drawn in the eye! So cute and adorable! :')

  3. aww he is so cute! i hope you find a puppy!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. So, so cute! Puppy snuggles are the best! My little guy is going on 6 months and I'm still trying to figure out how to keep him little. :)

  5. I've loved seeing the cute pictures on instagram! its making me want a dog too... eeee!


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