Monday, June 17, 2013

bits from our weekend

this weekend was a bit different for us. normally i'm off on the weekend, but this weekend i had to work. love my job, but it totally threw me off..i kept thinking saturday was friday and sunday was monday. my sweet husband still tried to make it restful for me by taking me out saturday night, and heading to the lake sunday night.
    ^^date nights...they're my favorite.
    ^we spent father's day cooking out on the lake with the foster clan. i didn't make it out there until   
    sunset...but it was perfect timing. with the breeze, view, and peace of the quiet water, i had to remind 
    myself that i wasn't on vacation. 

hope you all had a great weekend celebrating your men, too!


  1. Looks like a perfect Sunday! I'm pretty sure I could live off of chips & salsa!

  2. right! i might have a borderline obsession with them!

  3. looks like a fabulous weekend!


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