Tuesday, June 18, 2013

summer reading list.

1-"bonhoeffer, pastor, martyr, prophet, spy" by eric metaxis // 2- "is everyone hanging out without me, and other concerns" by mindy kaling // 3- "in defense of food" by michael pollan // 4- "wheat belly" by william davis // 5- "every body matters"by gary thomas

my husband is the "reader" in our clan..but i'm starting to catch on. reading takes on a completely different feel when you are doing it for personal pleasure or study, rather than for school. i look forward to finally getting my hands on some books i've had to put on the back burner for a while.

what books are you reading!?


  1. I've wanted to read Mindy Kaling's book for ages! currently I am stuck on the second Game of Thrones book, The Horse and His Boy (noticing a trend here?), North and South, and The Church at Prayer. I might just have bitten off more than I can chew...

  2. ha, yes me too! bonhoeffer alone, with its 500 pages, is taking me a while...

  3. I'm 12 weeks pregnant, so I've pretty much been devouring every pregnancy book I can get my hands on!

  4. Nice. I did that when I was engaged.. I went through so many marriage books!


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