Thursday, October 10, 2013

at the food truck

we've been wanting to hit up the food truck for quite some time. finally this week we made it over there! and it was definitely worth the wait. scofield ordered the rice bowl filled with goodies for the meat lover, and i got the falafel. and it was amazing--which is saying a lot considering i don't play around when it comes to falafel.
    ^we are suckers for some brussels sprouts, and these were some of the best we've ever had! i've declared the lazy goat's brussels sprouts the best around...but i tell you what, these apple cider glazed ones from the food truck sure made it a close call!
 and i certainly didn't mind the clean kitchen when we got home. no dishes to clean up after dinner...i could get use to that. can we eat here every night!?


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