Monday, October 14, 2013

outdoor yoga on the square's one of the many reasons i love my city.
and i can't think of a better way to start your saturday. seriously, so good...
i work a lot of weekends, so rarely does my weekend coordinate with free events, like outdoor yoga--but this weekend it did! and not to mention, it was one of the best yoga classes i've taken...the music, the cobblestone ground, the sound of the fountains, the cool fall air, and the routine. so rejuvinating. every time i practice, i'm reminded why i love it so much. and if outdoor yoga isn't enough, there was a waffle cart with fresh waffles, just waiting on us when class was over. 
we skipped out on the waffles, though, and my sweet husband made pumpkin pancakes for us when we got home. don't worry, waffle cart..
we'll be back!


  1. I have to start exercising again, Seriously. Outdoor yoga seems fun. Wish I was in your city!


    1. it's the greatest, especially with the fall weather! but i love it indoors too. you should definitely try it!


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