Monday, November 25, 2013

a day in the mountains, part 1.

birthday number 23 sure was a good one. scofield and i were both off from work [whaaaat, that never happens!] which was a birthday present in and of itself. so we grabbed lattes from starbucks and drove up to brevard - the cutest little mountain town right off the blue ridge parkway. we spent a summer working here as camp counselors, so it brought back a lot of special memories for how that was the summer i knew scofield was the man i was going to marry. [tender]
we ate lunch at a little restaurant called square root. we found this hot spot on one of our "nights off" when we were counselors and decided to go back. it was just as lovely as we remembered...
i order black bean soup and their sweet potato chips...yumm.
right across the street from the restaurant was a little chocolate shop. so, of course we decided to head in there after lunch.
so many choices! but i went with the pumpkin truffle and the dark chocolate lavender truffle. scofield ordered the coffee and dark chocolate truffle. we were in heaven...
and ohhh, the decorations around town and the little christmas shops got me so excited for the holidays. the most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner. eeek!

i'll share some more pictures from our drive tomorrow. hope your weekend was swell!


  1. Dark chocolate lavender truffles?!?! Be still my beating heart!

  2. You have a beautiful Blog Lauren. I think I have a bunch to learn from you.

  3. Oooh, what a fun birthday adventure! I was a camp counselor a few years ago!! I'd love to go back to where I worked, though, it is a few thousand miles away!

    1. wow, that's a far way! ours is only about an hour in a half so its super convenient...but maybe one day you can make a trip!


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