Friday, November 22, 2013

and a happy, happy weekend to you!

i don't know about you, but i am super excited about this weekend. my birthday is tomorrow [eeek!]. 23, baby. so we will be celebrating all weekend long...starting today. the husband and i are both off from work this afternoon, so we're packing up and going on a little mountain drive. tomorrow we're heading to dinner with my family, and then sunday we have thanksgiving dinner with our small group. i already know my heart is going to be so full come monday. and then thanksgiving is next week - life is good.


  1. Happy early birthday! Obsessed with the light in that photo, so beautiful.

  2. The pic is awesome!!! Happy birthday in advance!!

    Defining Me

  3. What a perfect day off together- I always love going back to places that Zack + I created great memories at. We still go to the restaurant we had our very first date at often! Happy (late) birthday!!

    1. And I just realized that I commented on the wrong post- this was intended to be for the one above. I'm using Monday as my excuse ;)

    2. haha, mondays get me all.the.time.
      and thank you! it really was a lovely day


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