Monday, November 18, 2013

a giveaway with esther & dorothy

i am super excited to bring you a giveaway today with esther & dorothy! esther & dorothy is a beautiful shop full of handmade jewelry made from unique vintage pieces. but instead of me telling you about it, i had esther [founder of the shop] answer some questions:

  • how did you discover your passion for jewelry designing?
    • "by coincidence. when looking for work in montreal (cananda) back in 2000 i looked also for a way to kill the free time. once, in walmart, I popped into the hobby & crafts section, bought some beads...and i was hooked. getting more beads and creating the first pieces on a small table in the computer room was my first designing experience. it was the beginning of an artistic road that is developing today..."
  • what inspired you to start your business?
    • "a situation in poland. once i moved from canada i discovered pretty fast that there is no such thing as a shop with beads in warsaw. so i opened one within a year, and soon after started developing my own jewelry design in a more professional and sophisticated way. really, it was to respond to the need of retail customers and my own need of creating. "
  • how long have you been designing jewelry?
    • "since 2000 or so, but i was painting before and studying some design art in montreal."
  • where do you find your inspiration?
    • "i always find inspiration from old pieces i work with...the vintage pieces. also colors, fashion, trends, nature. it is impossible to have only one source of inspiration. they come from different places and in surprising ways as well. i just keep my mind open to new ideas."
  • what does your creative process look like?
    • "well, keeping the mind open for new ideas, thinking 'what if i do this like that, or that this way.' sometimes i sketch. sometimes i design while working, as the piece changes its final look many ways in the meantime of designing. i am not restricted and in my case, discipline of design isn't working."
  • how would you describe your style?
    • "for sure it is called combination, or assemblage. meaning, it combines different styles and materials. i feel comfortable working with 100 year old pieces and contemporary. i struggled to define my style up to the moment when i realized that it is a concatenation of different ones."
  • can you tell us a little bit more about your shop?
    • "my web-shop isn't finished. i am working now on esther & dorothy home decor web-shop where i will sell handmade home decor items. the one for the jewelry will also evolve in design and functionality. yet, step by step, as rome wasn't build in one day."

for some more exciting news...all readers get a 20% discount. just visit the online shop here and enter the code: LAURENESTHER at checkout. in addition, two lucky readers will receive a free handmade eco bag. use the rafflecopter to enter below! all you have to do is follow love lola on bloglovin', instagram or pinterest. for a bonus entry, you can also tweet or use instagram to share the giveaway.
the giveaway will be open until friday. happy monday!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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