Wednesday, December 4, 2013

at the christmas tree farm

it's the first week of christmas and we already have our christmas tree up! this is a record for us...the queen and king of procrastination [we're working on getting better!]. we recently found a christmas tree farm near by and headed to it with our friends, courtney and turner. turner is the worship leader at the church where we go, and where scofield is also the children and student ministry director. it's really pretty comical because scofield and turner are close to the same height...right around that 5'5 mark... and they have the same build - stocky and strong. courtney's a little taller than me, but put us in our heels and we're both taller than our husbands. a girl in our youth group made the comment to her mom once, "scofield and turner are both really short, but they have these tall, beautiful wives." ha! we couldn't help but laugh about that one. 

now that the tree is in the house, next up, decorating! one thing i didn't think about when we got married were things like christmas decorations. we have virtually no christmas decorations, so i'm trying to get creative by crafting some things...but i know i'm gonna have to break down and just go get some stuff from the store. we've been doing so good....let's hope we don't procrastinate on that.


  1. What a cool tree farm. I can't get over the one tree that looks like it has ferns for branches. I've never seen them like that! Seriously beautiful photos, Lauren!

  2. I love this, so very sweet! I'm anxious to get our Christmas tree this year (today hopefully!!), which will also be a record for us. As much as we love getting in the holiday spirit, we end up getting to it all the week before..

  3. there are tons of great DIY christmas decorations on pinterest :)

    1. Oh awesome! I'll definitely have to look some up then :)


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