Tuesday, December 10, 2013

bits of new york via iphone pictures

and i'm back from visiting my best friend, katie, in new york.  i got to take a nice long weekend to fly up and see her and explore the city. and man, it was a good weekend. now i've got to try to get back into the swing of things here in south carolina...after a full day of traveling and plane delays, i feel a bit like a zombie this morning. so hopefully this dark cup of coffee in hand will do the trick.

i'll share some more pictures from the real camera soon. hope you've had a good weekend / beginning of the week!


you can follow along on instagram here


  1. It looks like you had such a fun trip! New York during Christmas time is the best! Just found your blog and I love it!

  2. Lovely photos, envy the pizza you've had, and beautiful blog!

  3. Ah! I love the picture of you on the Brooklyn Bridge (the sky is so insanely blue!)! These pictures make me miss NYC terribly, though I'll be heading over there in 3 weeks time.


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