Wednesday, February 26, 2014

clothes swapping party

over the weekend some girlfriends of mine hosted a 'girls night out [but really in] ' party. it was so great getting to meet some new faces from our community and getting to know others a little better. we ate, mingled, played some games, and 'shopped.' my favorite was the "get to know you game" where we went around in a circle and gave our name (yada, yada, yada) but then also gave our favorite youtube video. this conversation could have gone on for hours... oh, the fun of youtube. mine was definitely what does the fox say. it makes me laugh every.single.time. and i wouldn't be lying if i said my husband and i listened to it eight times on the way home from dinner last weekend. eight. and then we downloaded it on itunes and listened to it some more...
^check out all those goods. my favorite piece i brought home was a pleated black maxi skirt. i've been looking for one of those! score!
^ char and abby..the lovely hostesses.
 ^ char made soup for dinner, and every one else brought a side item to go along with it. i brought brownies...of course...
 ^ playing a game of heads up. have you tried it!? it's super fun [i mean, ellen degeneres made it up, how could it not be?] and you can download it straight to your phone. it's basically a game of charades, but on steroids. it's the best.
thanks char and abby for such a fun night! can't wait to do it again!

1 comment :

  1. What a fun party idea! Love the clothes swapping, fave YouTube video, and Heads Up ideas. What a unique way to spend the evening getting to know other ladies :-)


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