Friday, March 28, 2014

our little coffee station

i've always loved the idea of a bar cart. [you can definitely tell by looking at my pinterest board] but given we're renting a pretty small space, there really isn't room for one. with a kitchen that's relatively small as well, we decided to open up some space there and make a little coffee cart in the awkward corner of our dining 'room'. i mean...what else was going to go there? it was just screaming for a coffee cart. 
 ^my husband loves this quote. it's like his motto. when we started hanging out as friends, he was not a coffee drinker. but, to impress me ;) he'd take me to coffee shops and would end up ordering a super sweet latte that completely masked the coffee flavor. hey, he was trying :) but now, he's obsessed. addicted. has to have it every morning [the real stuff]. i've awoken a sleeping dragon...
what i love about our cart's placement is that it is right by our dinner table. it's great for making coffee in the morning, because we'll usually settle at the table or on the couch. it's also perfect for entertaining. while we're sitting and eating dessert or playing card games at the table, we can just reach over for a fresh cup :)
^ i got these little honey jars at a friend's wedding as a favor. number one, cutest favor idea ever. and number two, i can't bring myself to use them. they are just too darn cute.
^ this flamingo mug is one of my favorites. i had this thing for flamingo's in high school and went through a total flamingo phase. flamingo earrings, flamingo necklace, flamingo statues [yes, really] get the picture. i don't know...i think i really liked the fact that they were pink. but scofield, the sweet person that he is, found this mug and bought it for me for my birthday on year. the earrings are long gone, but the mug is still around.
as far as types of coffee we like, we are definitely dark roast drinkers. there was a time when i was really into flavored coffee [this was probably during my flamingo phase...] but now i much prefer a rich, dark, bold cup. how do you like your coffee?


  1. Love this! We have a coffee station at our house as well but it definitely needs some sprucing up. That print is amazing :)

    Have a great weekend!

    1. thanks jen! yes, aren't coffee stations the best? we've really been enjoying using ours!

  2. So nice! I want one of those in my kitchen too :D


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