Friday, May 9, 2014

happy friday + a little weekend inspiration

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this warm spring weather has had me feeling inspired this week...this weather, and pinterest. pictures have a similar effect on me as music. sometimes a song can cause this feeling of 'life and adventure' to well up within me and cause me to feel inspired and motivated. pictures can do the same...

in other news, the ice cream truck has been making a weekly appearance in our neighborhood. is it just me, or do those things freak any one else out? i can't get the image out of my head from 'air bud' with the bad guys who drove the ice cream truck [i think it was an ice cream truck?] or the the story line from 'chitty chitty bang bang' with the kid snatcher. sheesh.

anyway, some links to check out this weekend:

7 tips for meaningful networking

an adorable outdoor luncheon

have you checked out fashion by mayhem? amazing!

hilarious youtube video - hair tutorial gone wrong [i know everyone's probably already seen this video and i'm so behind...but i saw it for the first time this week and it is hilarious! so for those of you who are behind the game like're welcome.]

hope your weekend is filled with joy and inspiration! happy friday!


p.s. you can see more and follow along on pinterest here


  1. What?! I wish a nice cream truck came through our neighborhood! Those trucks are of a disappearing she seems liked but if we did have one, I'd probably beat all the kids to the window first. So many good memories of getting ice creams and bubblegum cigarettes while my friends and I played outside. xo


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