Thursday, June 26, 2014

the state of my life right now...

lots have been going on lately, and this picture pretty much sums it all up! we bought a house. we've been doing insane amounts of construction on that house. i got a dietetic internship [yayy!!], which means in t-minus 8 months i will be able to take the RD exam to become a registered dietitian. these past two weeks i've had orientation in columbia, so i've pretty much been commuting to and fro' - partially living out of my car. i mean, how am i suppose to pick out an outfit if my clothes are all packed up!? solution...half of my closet is now in my car.

so basically...all aspects of my life are a mess.

our new house. our old house. my car. my brain. i just keep reminding myself it is all going to be worth it. i am going to make it to the end of these 8 months and be an RD, our house is going to be wonderful, and so homey, and so worth the construction process. not to mention we are so so blessed to have all of the help we have had on the new house. and i can't really complain... i've done pretty much none of it from being in columbia. my father-in-law and my husband are both rockstars...and so selfless. so for that i am extremely grateful.

here's to taking a deep breath, and taking it day by day...


  1. You can do it! Like you said take it day-by-day and don't think about it all at once! Good luck with the construction! It'll look so great when it is done! The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. Your house looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see more once the busy days calm down a bit. And congrats on the internship!!


    1. thanks kristina! i can't wait to get more done and share! :)

  3. Hope that you can share us a new looking soon.

  4. Take a deep breath girl, and know that once this is all over your life will be full of beautiful things! Starting with your new HOUSE!! :)
    xo TJ

    1. haha, thanks girl! as crazy as it is, it's still SO exciting!! :)

  5. That's how mine & my husband's lives are right now. Completely chaotic with new/in between jobs, moving in three weeks, a trip this weekend, so many things to coordinate. But I always tend to think the new & chaotic starts are always the most fun! Congrats on the house & the internship; that's amazing! :)

    xo, grace (

    1. yes you are right. love your perspective! and glad to hear i'm not the only one! :)

  6. I would really love to see how this space turns out, Lauren! Good luck with everything and enjoy it while you can (I know it seems so exhausting, but it must be so much fun too, right?)


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