Thursday, July 31, 2014

how to keep your sanity during a move and renovation

whether you are moving across the country, or right down the road, any move can be overwhelming and can threaten your sanity. we have been in our new house for almost two months, and have been undergoing renovations ever since (and before!) we moved in. right now, we have no sink, no dishwasher, no washing machine, and no microwave. hopefully that will all be fixed by this weekend, but in the mean time all i want to do is run away and hide beneath an umbrella at the beach.

through these months, i think i've definitely learned what to do, and not to do during a renovation. here are some tips i've found to be extremely helpful:

1 // a barren room makes a perfect yoga studio. don't be so quick to buy new furniture, unpack every box, and furnish every room. there are some perks that come from taking your time. when else will you basically have your very own personal yoga studio? i mean, a completely open room with big windows and empty hardwood floors - a yogi's dream. take advantage of this.

2 // don't sweat it. each room will come together. i don't know how many hours i have spent scouring pinterest, stressing over what light fixture or art piece i should choose. then, one day i'm just piddling around the house - and bam, just like that my ideas come together. i think sometimes not thinking about decor and taking a break can be the best thing you can do for your brain, and your house!

3 // give yourself time. there is no rule that says you have to have your house unpacked, finished, beautiful, and perfect in 3 months...or 6 months...or a year! go at your own pace and try not to put unreal expectations on yourself. that's never good for any one.

4 // make exercise and healthy eating a priority.
it's really easy to let these things fall to the wayside when your to-do list is endless, but fight the urge to neglect them. eating healthy and exercising will give you more energy with your renovations in the long run, and it will help to combat stress and anxiety you may be feeling. even if you feel like you don't have time to cook a meal, you'll get a lot more done with good, fresh energy than if you skip it for a quick fix and end up in bed at 9:30 from a sugar crash. note to self: oreo's do not count as dinner.

5 // have fun. i honestly want to punch people when they say this to me. but seriously - they're right. have fun with the process. no dining room table? no sweat. get creative and spontaneous and have a picnic on the floor. personally, i think floor picnics are kind of romantic. no dishwasher or sink (like us) due to renovations? using paper products never killed any one. and i certainly don't mind not having to do the dishes at the end of the day.

if you're going through a renovation now, or in the future, i hope you find these tips useful! also, remember, you're not alone. if you want to pull your hair out, i'm right there with ya!


  1. As a serial mover, I simply LOVE this list. You're so right about not rushing things - and the yoga studio idea! So good! I wish I had thought of that before :) xo

    1. thanks eliza! i feel like i've been a serial mover, too. finally, we're planting our roots for a good while!

  2. Ah, this was timely! We are moving into our first home in a few months, and I am already overwhelmed with every last detail. Thanks for calming me down a bit :)

    1. so glad to hear this was helpful :) good luck with your move! very exciting!


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