Tuesday, July 29, 2014

cinnamon sugar plantain chips

i fell in love with plantain chips after buying them from trader joe's. they are a little pricey for a 'chip,' and you don't get much in a bag, so i thought i'd try to make them myself (and i'm so glad i did!). this recipe is seriously so quick and easy to make. just cut them up, pop them in the oven, and then pop them in your mouth!

cinnamon sugar plantain chips

  • 1 plantain, browned
  • 1 tbsp. canola oil
  • 1/2 tbsp. raw sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp. brown sugar 
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

preheat the oven to 425 F. peel the plantain by using a knife to cut 3 - 4 vertical slits down the fruit. the peel should then easily pull down. using a knife, cut the plantain into small circles as thin as you can get them. put the plantains in a bowl and toss with the canola oil, sugar and cinnamon. once the plantains are completely coated, place on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper. cook at 425 F for 15 minutes, flipping halfway through. be careful not to burn them!

remove from the oven and let them rest for about 5 minutes. enjoy immediately, or store in an airtight container for 3-4 days. 


  1. I am OBSESSED with the plantain chips from TJ's and we make fried plantains in my family (Cuban, after all). I haven't thought to make my own chips in the oven though - thanks for this! I literally devoured a bag yesterday, so it's probably a good idea to make them next time ;)

    1. haha, well hope you enjoy them if you give them a try! :)

  2. They look super delicious and I'm sure that making them instead of buying from Trader Joe's saves a lot of money!

    1. it sure does! and they're so quick and easy so it's not a lot of extra work :)

  3. These look so good! Definitely must try these!
    xx Lexi, Glitter, Inc.

  4. I got to eat these delicious chips! Thanks Lauren!


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