Monday, July 28, 2014

nesting: guest room inspiration

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i've been dying to incorporate pink into a room. scofield is all about keeping our home 'gender neutral.' i guess i can't blame him. normally we compromise pretty well, but the one thing we can't seem to agree on is painting a wall pink. i want a pink wall in our house so badly, but there's pretty much no chance i'll convince him. considering he really won't be spending much time in the guest bedroom, i'm determined to add a little pink somehow. oh, and polka dots.

our to-do list for the guest room:
  • scrape popcorn ceilings
  • peel wallpaper
  • paint room white
  • add a rug
  • plants and painted pots
  • picture above the bed
  • add side tables, lamps, and a breakfast cart

he's an art kind of guy, so maybe i can finagle in some pink with a little art work. all in the name of art, right? ;)

we'll see how it goes...


you can see more and follow along on pinterest here


  1. I totally know about the "gender neutral" decorating struggle, although so far I've pretty much had my way haha! I haven't pushed anything as far as a pink wall though, and I'm sure that wouldn't fly with my guy either. Still, I love the idea of it. I especially love the way it was done in the third space you linked. Black and white work so well with anchoring and toning down a unique color like this!

    1. i know..he's really great about letting me get my way, so i probably shoudln't push it :) and yes, i love how the black and white work with the pink as well

  2. love this inspiration! the bottom left is a dream!

  3. aww the pink + polka dots are too cute... i say go for it! they are only young once! xo jillian - cornflake dreams


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