Tuesday, July 22, 2014

nutella mousse

i think it's pretty clear by now that i am in love with nutella. i've made nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies, nutella brownies, and now this nutella mousse. the best part is this recipe is so easy to make. only two ingredients, and bam - a decadent dessert. don't worry, you don't have to tell anyone it's that easy ;)

nutella mousse

  • 1/2 cup nutella
  • 1 1/2 cups light cool whip

in a mixing bowl, combine the nutella and cool whip. use a hand mixer to whisk until the mousse is light and fluffy. spoon into dessert bowls and garnish with a little whipped cream and oreo crumbs. serve immediately, or store in the refrigerator.

because nutella is already so rich and dense, i reached for the light cool whip versus the real stuff - heavy whipping cream. with the strong flavor of nutella, the flavor wasn't comprised at all and it's makes the dessert just a little lighter and 'healthier.' 


  1. Yep! Definitely making this!

  2. Replies
    1. oh yes. if you're a nutella lover, you should definitely give it a try!

  3. Oh Nutella!! I use whipped up coconut milk as a whip cream sub, and now I'm thinking of mixing some Nutella in next time. Oh yes. :) xo

    1. oh, that sounds so good too! let me know how it is! :)

  4. this looks absolutely amazing!

  5. Drool!! Gorgeous photos! I adore nutella too, and made nutella brownies and nutella stuffed choc chip cookies this month too so this is going to have to be the next item on my list!! Thanks for sharing :)


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