Monday, July 21, 2014

weekend snapshots

 ^ we worked on the house a good bit this weekend. scofield and his dad tore down a wall in our kitchen, while i did a little work on the bedroom. have definitely made progress, but still have a ways to go!
 ^ "no experience is ever wasted. everything has meaning." nothing like some wise words over a cup of coffee. thanks oprah ;)
 ^ our church recently bought a new building. we've been meeting at a local civic center for a few years, tearing down and setting up each sunday. we finally have our very own, permanent building and we are so excited. so sunday we had a church gathering at the new building and celebrated with a frozen yogurt truck...which i thought was the coolest thing ever. i've seen ice cream trucks and food trucks, but never a frozen yogurt truck! it was amazing.
 ^ note our friend sean in the back ... ha!

hope you had a great weekend! 


  1. Gorgeous photos! And a froyo food truck?! So cool!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. So fun! My husband and I are members of Grace Church and the owners of the yogurt truck, Kristin and Brad, are in our small group and I can't wait to try out the yummy truck soon!!
    Congrats on the new church building!! :)

    1. oh my goodness! how awesome!! :) we were so happy to have them at our first gathering at the new building! :)

  3. cutest photos ever. so lovely.


  4. Beautiful pictures! Happy to have re-found your blog :) xo

  5. ahh a frozen yogurt truck?! count me in!

  6. your photos are so lovely! love that pretty brass lamp.

    1. thanks natalia! it's one of my favorite lamps in our house :)


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